Monthly Archives: March 2019

Must be testing day…

I’m close to releasing the AIICT website to the wild, but first I’ve been going through a bit of QA across browsers and devices. Trying to cover off the most likely formats, on various devices and at multiple sizes. This means that once released I can be sure that what I’ve produced can be viewed […]


OK!Dolls promote the awesome real world careers kids can have. If your kid wants to be a Scientist when she’s older, OK! An Astronaut, a purple haired Web developer, a Chef – OK! I designed a custom ecommerce site for OK!Dolls including a wholesale purchasing process (detailed below). Visit: OK!Dolls

AIICT Landing Page

A customisable landing page design for specific marketing campaigns. Fully responsive and designed and built with flexibility in-mind whilst staying true to the AIICT brand guidelines. Sections can be added/removed and tiled easily from the backend – fully integrated into WordPress – and built to allow anyone to setup new landing pages as needed.